Thursday, 31 October 2013

October Instagram Round Up.

October was an...interesting month, to say the least!

1. On my way down to England to see my boyfriend // 2. Beautiful moody views along the way // 3. The Handmade Burger Co. are amazing
4. My audience for my run // 5. New gloves (H&M, £2.99) // 6. Boredom doodles
7. Shameless selfie // 8. Tattoo! So in love // 9. First day at work cocktails!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Social Networking!

Little bit of a roundup, now I actually have things more or less in order. I can be found on the following sites:
bloglovin, twitter, instagram & pinterest.

Monday, 28 October 2013


Just a very, very quick post to show off. This photo was taken right after it was done, so it was a little bloody but I am so, so happy. The moment you know you're coming away with a new addition to your body that you're utterly in love with is an amazing feeling.
It was done by Roberto at Forevermore in Glasgow and I could not be happier. Roberto was a delight, great banter and he really helped me relax and as you can clearly see, he's an amazing artist.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Tattoo Inspiration

Sources: one, two, three, four

I've always been a major fan of tattoos, there's just something about the permanence of a beautiful piece of art on your skin forever. Of course, that's not always the case for everyone but you can't argue that many, many people are covered in stunningly gorgeous pieces.

I already have one tattoo - a memorial tattoo I got on a whim this summer. It means a lot to me, but it scarred badly and that's a major shame :( But tomorrow, I have an appointment booked for a brand new tattoo. It's going to cost me an absolute fortune (more than my rent!) but at the end of the day, I don't mind paying out for something that will hopefully be on me forever. I've spent more on piercings and I barely wear any of mine!

The design is all sorted - an old school tall ship (for my love of nautical history) on my thigh - but I just can't wait. Hopefully I'll have some photos of it on Monday, I just can't wait to be able to show it off, really!

Friday, 25 October 2013

FOTD: 25th October

In all honesty, this is probably the first time I've worn makeup in about two weeks. I made a major dietary switch from pretty much exclusively drinking Pepsi Max to almost exclusively drinking water and my skin has been looking wonderful for it. It's been so clear and even that I haven't really wanted to jinx it by slathering on makeup. However, I'm meant to be going out for lunch today with a friend and I'm running on about an hour and a half sleep. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but I'm going to be crossing my fingers that my skin stays lovely.

This is really my usual look - the one I put on while running on autopilot, I don't think, I just do. I always tend to keep my eyes simple because of my glasses, but I love a bold blush and a simple lip. I very rarely use concealer, I've never found one that actually really works for me so I just don't bother. Most of what I'm wearing crosses over with my makeup basics, really.

MUA foundation / Maybelline Powder / MUA blush / Sleek eyeshadow / Collection 2000 eyeliner / Collection 2000 Lip Cream

On Overcoming Disappointment

I suppose this is a little downhearted for how new this blog is, but even when it was just a barely there idea, I knew I wanted this blog to really be a reflection of my lifestyle. Disappointment and downheartedness, unfortunately, are part of that.

Quite recently, in the past month in fact, I lost a job I absolutely loved. It was a tough job but I loved my coworkers and it was rewarding. Unfortunately, they decided to shut our office and I was left sort of stranded - we had three weeks notice but I was terrified. I was disappointed and I was scared - I'm always one to be a little bit terrified of the future so suddenly not knowing where it was going was a huge shock to my situation.

One thing that made it worse was the fact I'm in a long distance relationship. This was an issue for two reasons - a) my job was incredibly flexible, so I could take every other weekend off no worries to visit my boyfriend and b) my boyfriend was supposed to be up here in Glasgow for three months, and I'd already arranged my work schedule to accommodate that. Not only had I lost my job, but I'd actually lost a fairly large part of the way my personal life worked.

But I managed to pick myself up. I wouldn't say I'm back on my feet, but I'm at least to my knees and then came the second blow, not directly to me this time, but it still affects me and it still brings that black cloud of worry and stress with it.

My boyfriend is in the forces and the past few months he's been working his ass off to get his career onto the track he wants. Just the other night, he found out that regardless of the work he'd put in, it wasn't going to go the way he wanted. This changes everything. He's lost the three months he thought he'd have off, and now he's going to be moving to a base that's harder for me to get to. Never mind that I now have a job where I can't just up and take off whenever I want.

For someone who hates change, who resists shock and uncertain futures, it's all a bit of a mess. Positive thinking is all well and good but it's hard. Long distance relationships are hard. Being fairly alone in a city you still barely know is hard. And now it feels like I've been kicked in the kneecaps while I'm just trying to get back in the race.

Sometimes you have to wonder what's coming next, and all you can do is cross your fingers that it's going to be okay.
- Emmy xo

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Every Day Makeup Basics

We all have them, the products we reach for on autopilot. We might only be popping to Tesco for a chocolate fix but we just don't want to face the world as a blank canvas and so we reach for them - the basics, the glorious few products that cover that unsightly blemish or hide the fact our skin is as dull as algebra.

These are mine, the unsung heroes of my makeup bag. They don't get nearly enough credit.

Along Came Betty Radiance Moisturiser//Tesco £5.49 | Neutrogena Nordic Berry Lip Balm (can't find online) | MUA Undress Your Skin Foundation in Beige//Superdrug £5.00 | MUA Blush in Shade 5 (can't find online, £1) | Jelly Pong Pong Fairy Lashes//Online £15

The major issue I have with my skin is that it's incredibly dull and incredibly dry. Hydrating, moisturizing, nothing seems to make it better and winter is absolute hell on my skin - my face will pretty much start peeling and flaking. It's awful. Hence the abundance of anything even vaguely illuminating and hydrating, if it can make me look even a little bit glowy, bring it on. I bought the Along Came Betty moisturiser on a whim. I was in Tesco, I was out and it was on deal. I've never really looked back - it's wonderful. It is quite glittery, but once you've applied it properly it doesn't look majorly glittery. It does give you that nice little glow though, just like it promises to. It's heavy duty moisturiser too, it competes well with my coconut oil. The MUA foundation is easily one of my favourites, it doesn't cling to my dry spots and it covers up my uneven skintone incredibly well. For that price too, you just can't knock it!

So who are the heroes in your makeup collection? What could you just not live without?
- Emmy xo

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Wishlist: Autumn

1. Topshop Wool Biker Jacket
2. River Island Biker Boots
3. H&M Cable Knit Tights in Dark Petrol
4. New Look Glow In The Dark Sweater

Having grown up in Spain, I'm a little bit...wimpish when it comes to the cold. Moving to Scotland probably wasn't the best decision I ever made when it comes to that, but it does give me an excuse to bundle up against that autumnal chill. Here's just a couple of things I'm coveting right now, things that look cosy and lovely and absolutely delightful to cuddle up in.

For Autumn, my style is all about big sweaters and boots. My poor docs get ignored the rest of the year, but the moment there's a hint of a chill or the ominous gloom of a moody sky, that dragged out of the back of the wardrobe and all of my other shoes get ignored.

Is there anything you're lusting after over at the moment? Any must haves for the colder months?

- Emmy xo

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

A Fresh Adventure.

So here I am, cursor blinking at me and Downton Abbey on in the background, going forward with a new idea.

To put it simply, my life has changed a lot recently. More specifically, the rug got pulled from under my feet and I found my life getting shaken up and having to start all over again for the second time this year. Why not, now, start a blog?

So, like I said, here I am.

My name's Emmy. I live in Glasgow, forever being teased for my accent. Soon, I start a new job at a place I quite love after losing my last job to redundancy. I like tattoos and piercings, makeup and pastries. I like writing, I want to get better at drawing, and I want to get back to photography - real photography.

The blog title - A Little Yes - means a couple of things. Mostly, it means a hesitant agreement to something. This is my little yes, a small, timid concession to trying something new.

Thank you for being here with me for it.

- Emmy xo.
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